Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A First Foray Into The Forest

Nope, nothing concrete. I just happen to enjoy alliteration.

Tiles: Trying to work out something with 4 clearings which is quick to cross on the unenchanted side is still problematic. Maybe drop back to three clearings and drop the enterable sides to three...

Monsters: Now, this is coming together. Forests are for hunting, so Bears and Boars will make an appearance alongside another pack of Wolves. All of these will have multiple boxes, probably just pairs with repeats - but a small Medium boar may arrive before a Heavy version. A Tremendous  boar is a strong contender for a Treasure site. I toyed with the idea of the second wolfpack being a set of 'goblin riders'... maybe too harsh for a travel tile.  Without sound chits, travel tiles will be always be less populated than treasure tiles, so I'm not sure how many multiple summons might occur.

Natives: Hunstmen will certainly apppear - either as a clone or a modification of Lancers. The Witches are still a problem. I like the idea of them arriving as a set of three and them each having their own alerted attack of either Stones Fly (1 target only), Curse and Power Of the Pit. But their unalterted side would seem them as L*3 / move 4 Light targets, which is not a huge challenge.

Hunstmen made me think of "patrolling garrisons" - appearing at their dwelling, but prowling in the tile. This is a new mechanism, something I'm trying to avoid. So I'm still undecided between adding, say 'Bandits' into the mix and simply having all three prowl the new Dwellings.

White Hart. While pondering huntable creatures, I thought of the mythical white hart which appears as a questing beast in old romances. Ideally it would appear and immediately disappear, luring adventurers to pursue it (in vain in the old tales). So after the Boar have been hunted... the next box would be the Hart. When it is summoned, it arrives Hidden, enchants the tile and casts Lost on it. It is a fast Medium creature with a large Fame bounty. The trouble is having it arrive and set its environment within the normal game systems and also not to be killed on its first arrival. Maybe it could take two summons - the first box is "Signs of the Hart" which enchants the hex and puts Lost on it - the second summons the Hart itself - always hidden and having some mechanism to run from or end combat. It is still a problem in that it will prowl towards its hunters who have only to stay put and search ( for hidden enemy ). I'm sure it can be solved... but it's a diversion  from my plans.  Signs of the Hart could be another "dwelling"... rather than being a summoned creature.

Still just a lot of vague ideas. Tonight I'll get the tiles sorted out and begin the new appearance chart section.

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